Read Free for the Love of Anna the Town of Pearl

[Ménage Amour: Erotic Cowboy Ménage a Quatre Romance, K/F/Thousand/G]

"Take care of your father Anna, it's all I ask," was her mother's dying wish. Anna tried her hardest, working double shifts and getting fiddling balance, plus her dad is an abusive alcoholic. One dark, Anna is accosted in her home. Her male parent really did it this fourth dimension, and two loan sharks are intent on collecting a debt. They threaten Anna's life, wanting to prostitute her out to make dorsum the coin her father owes.

Her father shows upwards drunk, and Anna realizes she has to relieve herself. Despite her injuries, she escapes. Her friend Stacy lives in Pearl, forth with 2 men Max and Eric Cantrell. When Anna arrives on the ranch dilapidated and browbeaten, an authoritative Sheriff, an ex-Marine and one sexy cowboy go intent on showing her what real love is.

But Anna is an innocent, and trust will non come easy. But these three dominant, stubborn men volition practice anything for the love of Anna.

Note: There is no sexual relationship or touching for titillation between or among siblings.

A Siren Erotic Romance

For the Love of Anna (MFMM)

243 Ratings (four.6)

Cover Art by Jinger Heaston

Anna survived non one but ii really horrible beatings from two really evil sons-of-monkey-turds who got what they truly deserved in the end. No ane should be allowed to ever hitting anyone weaker than them and certainly no child should ever grow upwardly with a father like the one Anna had, nothing similar poetic justice.

Child abuse is a real affair and I seriously believe that some people should exist licensed to become parents and I always wondered if in some cases it connected into machismo and well even though this is a well idea slice of fiction I still remember it has it's bases in fact and at that place for answered that question.

Happy Reading
Laura'southward Book Binge

I LOVED this book and have read it several times over. Ms. Dwyer is a swell writer and I always get sucked into her stories!!!


5 RAVENS: "For the Dearest of Anna is a beautiful dear story written by the very talented Dixie Lynn Dwyer. In this story we meet a young woman narrowly escaping the horrors of her by to detect her future in a most unusual and unforeseen state of affairs. With her very life at stake, Anna narrowly escapes the city and flees to the home of her just friend. Stacy has been completely in the dark about the dreadful situations Anna has been dealing with and welcomes Anna into her home with open arms. Stacy lives on a huge ranch with her two husbands and their 3 cousins. Concerned that trouble from her by may follow her, Anna refuses to consider putting her friend at risk by staying too long and decides it will be rubber to stay only until she heals from her injuries and can earn enough money to movement on. Ben, Wyatt and Charlie have a hunch that Anna may be just the adult female they have been waiting all their lives to find. They promise to find a style to convince her to stay put. The characters in For the Love of Anna are well developed and interesting. Stacy is very convincing equally a best friend who volition do annihilation within her power to go along her friend safe. Ben, Wyatt and Charlie each have an intriguing back story that makes them relatable and besides makes it easier to empathise Anna's allure to them, too every bit theirs for her. The elderly town md, the eatery owners and the other people of the town correspond that small town dream of people pulling together and watching out for ane some other. Pearl may not exist perfect, but information technology would exist a wonderful place to live. This is an impressively enjoyable book. The writing flows easily and the story order and evolution brand sense. While there is angst in the story, it is not over the top. This is, at its cadre, a honey story in which the four main characters all have to overcoming some sort of adversity in their lives to exist in the position to be open to the passion and devotion of the long lasting love they all want. Having read Dixie Lynn Dwyer previously, I expected to like this book. Still, I was non prepared for it to touch my centre the way information technology did. Anna's courage in being determined to exit the past behind, to release attachments to negative and hard things and refuse to use those negative things as an excuse for stagnation serve as an astonishing instance of a courageous and victorious style to live. For the Love of Anna will be enjoyed past all who appreciate stories of overcoming adversity and finding true love, even when love looks a bit dissimilar than one might have expected." -- Lea, Blackraven's Reviews

4.5 BLUE RIBBONS : "FOR THE LOVE OF ANNA is a fast paced dramatic read that pulls at the readers' heartstrings. Anna's sacrificed so much to support her unappreciative father nonetheless information technology's non until he callously leaves her at the mercy of thugs that she realizes she has to make the pause from him in club to save herself. While Anna'south life seems to be all one big tragedy in one case she arrives in Pearl things quickly brainstorm to turn around and for once she has promise, a sense of peace and a possible romance just her fright is all the same very real. I dearest how Anna's friendship with Stacy has been such a lifeline for her and considering of that friendship Anna finds the happiness she deserves. Even before whatever romance happens between Anna, Charlie, Ben and Wyatt there's an air of anticipation that tantalizes the reader to proceed reading just so you don't miss a succulent moment of the action. Great friends, sexy ascendant men, a wonderful accepting boondocks and a couple bad asses from New York intent on making Anna's life a living hell make FOR THE Beloved ANNA a wonderful read." -- Chrissy Dionne, Romance Junkies Reviews

4.5 CHERRIES : "Her life in danger and her trunk nearly broken, Anna Parker takes the first steps to healing when she steps off the bus in Pearl, Texas. She never expected the healing to include 3 sexy Texas men determined to protect and love her at whatever cost. Anna's body isn't the only thing that's bruised and battered. So is her religion in family and men in full general. Brothers Charlie, Ben, and Wyatt prove that the men in Texas aren't only big in size; they besides have an incredible supply of patience, understanding, love and devotion. I similar that Anna doesn't immediately fall all over the men. Charlie appropriately compares her to a frightened doe at i point. The writing is so vivid I could hands motion picture Anna's trepidation in accepting that these three large men wanted to love and care for her. Charlie, Ben, and Wyatt Cantrell are more than brothers, they are plainly best friends. This is a close knit family along with their cousins Eric and Max. As a reader and a woman, I had to adore their devotion and connexion. Even though Anna is initially intimidated by the brothers, their like shooting fish in a barrel way and persistence pays off! I would rather she didn't cry every bit much every bit she does, but considering what she had been through I estimate information technology's understandable. The first time she meets and talks to Wyatt is ane of my favorite scenes. He is a total Alpha and doesn't let her get abroad with hiding from their chemistry. Anna has an amazing transformation from a "scared doe" to strong woman as the story progresses. When she realized the problem has followed her from New York she'south determined to non let the people she's grown to love become injure on her account. Lucky for her they feel the same way! This is a beautiful beloved story for anyone who enjoys the intensity of a ménage relationship. Ms. Dwyer has a talented vocalism for writing ménage. I was showtime introduced to her writings when I read Were She Belongs. Do yourself a favor and pick upwards a re-create of Anna's story. You will be glad you did. " -- Honeysuckle, Whipped Foam Reviews

4.5 NYMPHS: "Anna is running for her life after mobsters shell her up and tried to take her, in lieu of her father's debt. Once she arrives at the Triple C ranch, she meets Wyatt, Charlie and Ben. For the Dearest of Anna is the offset book in The Boondocks of Pearl serial. In that location is a lot of angst on Anna'southward role considering she had to be the adult in the family unit after her mom got sick and died. The realization that you have been betrayed past a family unit member would exist devastating, for nearly people. It sort of sets you adrift and keeps you questioning your worth. This comes through very conspicuously in the story. Anna's friendship with her friend, Stacy, very clearly gives Anna someone to confide in and use as a sounding lath, which is what she needs. The style the writer showed how Anna, Wyatt, Charlie and Ben learned about each other is wonderful considering it shows a transformation taking place within Anna. The scenes betwixt Anna and the men, as a group or individually, burn up the pages so go along plenty of ice or fans on manus.  The secondary characters, which include the men's cousins, add together a lot to the story and I would like to learn more about Stacy and her relationship. I am looking frontward to reading the next book and will be reading this 1 again." -- Amazon Nymph, Literary Nymph Reviews

iv TEA CUPS: "Anna had a hard life. When her female parent sick and dying, the care and support of her family, fell on her shoulders. She cared for her mother, and worked to pay the bills and support her begetter. Her father took her support and drank it, and wasted it betting. He finally got himself in trouble, that he couldn't go himself out of, and finally embroiled Anna in his troubles. Anna ran to the 1 person she knew she could trust: Her best friend Stacy who lives in Pearl. Pearl is and is non your typical small Texas boondocks. Pearl is an idyllic small boondocks, the kind where everyone takes intendance of each other, and really anybody knows your name. Of course somehow Pearl concluded up with more men in town than women, and found a unique solution to this problem. Brothers will oftentimes take the same married woman – two or more hunky, alpha male brothers will decide to share 1 adult female every bit their married woman. This is common do in Pearl, and no 1 thinks anything of it. Pearl is what happens when the standard polygamous marriage gets turned on its caput. Charlie, Ben, and Wyatt grew upward with two fathers married to their mother, and they were looking for a woman to complete their circle, and form a family. In stumbled Anna into their town, onto their ranch, and into their lives. Each had a separate relationship with Anna, and all strived to help Anna overcome her hard past in their own way. Separately, they were helping her heal. When they were together, the flames exploded, as the heat and passion between them threatened to engulf them all. This volume is not for people who don't like having their sexual boundaries pushed, as there are several ménage sex scenes that are very erotic. This book is besides full of wonderfully well written romantic scenes. Don't let the ménage attribute of this volume keep you lot from reading information technology. If yous do, you lot will exist missing out." -- Dodie, Happily Ever After Reviews

STORY Extract

The screams awoke him from his slumber. Charlie had insisted on staying the night in case Anna needed medical attending. He took the stairs to the second flooring two at a time. When he got to the open up door, he saw Eric and Max first. They looked white as ghosts. Max was running his hands through his hair, his eyes were sleeky, and Eric didn't expect much better.

The closer his steps took him into the room, the clearer the paradigm came into view.

The light by the bedside table illuminated the room but not the corner by the bed and behind the recliner. Stacy was on her knees talking, whispering, and caressing something or someone backside the chair.

"Information technology hurts…please, stop them…Daddy!" the vocalism screamed. It sounded so fragile and helpless.

Charlie slowly came around the bed and leaned downwardly next to Stacy. She knew he was in that location but never took her eyes or her hands off of her best friend Anna.

Charlie watched as Stacy caressed Anna'southward leg.

"They're gonna kill me. I have to escape!" Anna shook with fear. Whatsoever had happened to her she was plainly re-experiencing it in her dream. The pain, the upset…everything. Charlie had to do something. His eye ached at the audio.

He got down on his knees in the modest space on the floor and gently took Anna'southward paw into his own.

"It's Charlie, Anna. Stacy's friend, the doctor, dear…wake up, please. Come on, baby, you're condom here." His tone was gentle and caring as he caressed her skin. The sight of her curled up in a brawl, clammy and crying, tore at his heart and soul. He worried about her injuries and the position her body was in.

"Stacy, let me pick her up and see if we can become her to wake," he whispered. Stacy looked at him. He saw the pain she was in and how upset she was getting seeing her friend similar this.

Charlie saw Max help Stacy up and pull her into his artillery.

Charlie slowly wrapped his artillery around Anna, whispering and caressing her as he gently pulled her into his arms.

Her breathing was rapid, her chest blotchy and red as she cried her center out.

"I've got y'all, babe, y'all're safe here with me. No i is going to hurt you lot always again, doll," he whispered, holding her confronting his chest.

She was lite and fragile in his artillery, like a wounded animal, he took care of her and swore he would protect her as long as she was with him. She seemed to be calming down as she held his shirt in a decease grip and snuggled closer.

She continued to moan and cry more softly when, suddenly, her eyes began to flutter open. "He doesn't love me. He never loved me."

The words tore through the room. Charlie caught the response from her words as he scanned everyone's optics. And so he held Anna's gaze. He saw the fear, felt her cringe and effort to pull away, merely he wouldn't accept it.

"Shhh now, baby doll. I'm here, and I'chiliad not going to get out yous."

"Anna, I dear you, love. Please let Charlie accept care of you lot." Stacy caressed Anna'south artillery as she cried.

"Don't cry, Stacy. I'm pitiful…I…I didn't hateful for this to happen," Anna whispered, her voice barely aural to anybody's ears.

Charlie pulled her closer against his breast.

* * * *

Anna was relieved that she wasn't still a captive of the bad men back in New York. The nightmare was so real, she was embarrassed to notice she obviously woke the whole house. It felt skillful to be in Charlie's arms. She felt prophylactic, yet she was scared. The fact that she only had a bra on and a skimpy pair of shorts had her trying to wiggle free and cover herself. He had taken care of her earlier. She felt the bandage against her ribs and knew Charlie must have felt that she needed them wrapped. She was very tired equally her eyes felt heavy, and she began to give in to Stacy'due south asking that Charlie help her.

Charlie held her tighter, then saturday on the bed, cradling her in his arms. Stacy placed a coating over her body at Charlie'south request.

"I'g sorry," she whispered 1 concluding fourth dimension before closing her eyes. Her caput hurt, and her trunk throbbed. The dizziness overtook her. She felt hot. Really hot. She couldn't help simply call back Charlie holding her was the culprit. No man e'er held her. She never got this shut to one and forgot about her father.

The idea caused a deep sob to escape her lips. Charlie pulled her closer against his breast and lay on the bed with her. "Y'all're safe, Anna. Close your optics, darling, and go some sleep."

Adult Excerpt

"Oh, God, Wyatt!" She grabbed his hand. At beginning, she shook with fear and anticipation, but and then, the rhythm of the in and out movement, combined with the sensations running through her torso, fabricated her hips motion with him.

"She'southward got the best fucking ass. I can't wait to fuck this donkey. You like that idea, Anna?"

Before she could reply, Charlie was touching her chin and tilting her face up toward him. She swallowed hard at the expect in his eyes. Information technology was carnal and intense.

He took her mouth with his teeth. He gently pulled the bottom lip first before fully kissing her, plunging in deep with his natural language and tasting every inch of her. Wyatt connected to finger her, calculation another digit, then angle lower, placing his mouth on her pussy lips. The sensation of his fingers and his tongue nibbling on her clit sent her into some other orgasm. She spread her legs, and he lifted one over his shoulder, baring her completely to his rima oris and eyes.

She grabbed Charlie's shoulder, and Ben took that moment to rub a finger over the moisture and caress her lips then trace dorsum over the puckered hole. She gasped at the idea of them taking her at that place.

"I want to fuck this tight, beautiful ass, Anna. Has anyone ever fucked your ass?" He growled against her skin, lightly biting her cheeks and so licking the slit.

"Oh, God, no!" she screamed.

The sounds of Wyatt sucking her cream away filled the bedroom.

"I think she likes that idea, Ben. What do you retrieve, Wyatt?" Charlie asked as he lowered himself next to Wyatt.

"Fucking delicious. She tastes then good." Wyatt flicked his tongue and pumped his fingers deeper into Anna'due south aqueduct.

She heard a zipper go down, and her eye raced. He wasn't going to accept her at that place, was he?

"No! Finish!" she blurted out, pulling abroad from the 3 of them.

They all looked crazed with desire, and she immediately felt the loss of their bear upon and embrace, but she had to exist honest. She couldn't let them recall she was more experienced than she allow on then far.

"What is information technology?" Ben asked.

She stared at him. At some point, he'd removed his shirt, and his impeccable abs were a sight for the eyes. He was house, trim, and oh, God, his crotch. A modest patch of light brown hair beneath his navel stretched clear into his package. The mushroom top was sticking out, and by the look of the bulge, he was generous in the penis department.


Ben looked at her as if he understood her fearfulness, and that confident, cocky stud had the nerve to whip out his cock and bespeak it toward her.

She was fascinated by its advent and size. It was quite a cute sight. Thick, lighter than the remainder of his tanned complexion, and she licked her lips.

"Oh, infant, you're killing me," Ben whispered in a raspy vocalisation.

Wyatt took her paw and led her to the bed.

"Talk to u.s.," he stated, and she got the chills from his enervating tone.

"I've never washed this," she whispered, still staring at Ben's cock and his mischievous smile.

"A virgin ass? Fucking beloved information technology!" Ben exclaimed, and Anna lowered her eyes.

Charlie tilted her caput up toward them.

She saw the business in his face besides as a small dimple in his left cheek. She loved his dimples. He was so handsome, with lite dark-brown hair and big brown eyes. She felt the calluses on his fingertips and his rough demeanor. He was mysterious in a lot of ways.

"Don't be agape. If you're not ready for that, we'll take things slow. Just one day existent soon, we're all going to take yous at once," Charlie stated with confidence.

Anna licked her lips and leaned back with her elbows and forearms confronting the bed. Wyatt lay on his side beside her at present, and Ben still stood in front of her, belongings his cock, smirking.

She giggled at his personality. He was such a tease.

In nervousness, she licked her lips once more, and the iii men moaned.

"You keep licking those lips, and I'll give you something to suck on, Anna," Charlie exclaimed, pulling his shirt up over his head, then, he began to unzip his pants.

Anna knew she had to tell them.

"I've never done that before, either."

All three of them looked at each other, so dorsum at Anna.

This fourth dimension, Wyatt responded.

"Never what, Anna?" Wyatt asked softly.

"Suck cock?" Ben interjected, and both Wyatt and Charlie gave him a muddy expect.

Anna felt herself redden.

She nodded.

"Wow…well, don't worry. We'll take it boring, baby," Charlie whispered, then removed his jeans the rest of the way and lay down beside her on the other side.

"No! You don't understand. God, this is so embarrassing." Anna covered her face with her hands.

A few seconds passed before she felt hands caressing her from head to toe. So Wyatt removed her hands from her face up.

"Hey, now, there's no need to be embarrassed considering you're non as experienced."

"Aye, I kind of like the fact that that rima oris won't suck any other cocks than ours," Ben stated.

"Ben!" Wyatt, Charlie, and Anna exclaimed.

"What?" he asked, shrugging his shoulders, just still held his long, thick cock in his fist.

"Umm…we said we were going to be completely honest, right?" Anna asked every bit she looked at each of them. Her mouth watered at the sight. They were sexy equally damn hell, and she still couldn't believe that they wanted her.

"Of course, Anna."

She smiled at Charlie.

"Well, about this whole feel matter," she whispered, then clasped her fingers together.

"Yes," all iii men chimed in.

"I'thousand a virgin!" she blurted out, then covered her confront again.


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